Adam is an interdisciplinary romantic love and human mating researcher who employs an ethological framework in his theory and analysis. He has a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and a Bachelor of Laws from the Australian National University. He is currently enrolled in a PhD in Biological Anthropology at the Australian National University’s School of Archaeology and Anthropology and holds a position as a Sessional Academic at Federation University Australia in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing. Adam’s research investigates romantic love using methods and approaches from biological anthropology, human ethology, and psychology. Adam is a proponent of a new approach to the science of romantic love which takes a broad definition of romantic love, uses an ethological framework, and suggests it evolved by co-opting mother-infant bonding.

In 2021, with his co-author, Adam published a comprehensive review of romantic love using multiple biological perspectives and proposed a new, ethologically-informed, definition of romantic love. He is responsible for the monthly email update of the latest scientific research on love in romantic relationships and annual Symposium.

Adam’s CV.
Adam’s Google Scholar page.